
‘5 Tests’ for the Protocol Deal – Press Release

27 February 2023

The Brexit and Human Rights Working Group, convened and chaired by the Human Rights Consortium, has released their ‘5 Tests’ for the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol Deal, focusing on the key commitments on rights and equality protections contained within the Protocol. A fair Protocol deal to protect human rights must: Make no changes to Article 2 […]

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NI Civil Society Joint submission to UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee

23 February 2023

The Human Rights Consortium has worked collaboratively with a number of our member-organisations to develop a joint civil society parallel report to the United Nations in advance of the review of the United Kingdom under the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in 2023.   A range of Northern Ireland civil society […]

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NI Protocol Bill (it’s still kickin’!) – HRC Written Evidence

23 November 2022

As the law-breaking NI Protocol Bill continues its steady passage through the House of Lords, their EU Affairs Sub-Committee wrapped up its scrutiny of the Bill by publishing all written evidence received and sending a letter to the Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly MP, outlining their concerns with the Bill and the engagement they had undertaken. […]

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ICESCR – Civil Society Shadow report

25 October 2022

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) commits signatory states to uphold a range of rights within their jurisdiction, including the right to an adequate standard of living, the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, work, social security, education and cultural life. As a signatory of ICESCR the United Kingdom is reviewed by […]

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The NI Protocol Bill – what is it, and what now?

08 July 2022

We in the Human Rights Consortium were extremely disappointed to see that Liz Truss’ proposed Northern Ireland Protocol Bill,  which outlines dramatic alterations to the Protocol while conferring powers to UK Government Ministers to amend or disapply most Articles of the Protocol at their discretion, passed the second reading stage in the Commons on the […]

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22 June 2022

The Human Rights Consortium have issued the following statement condemning the introduction in Westminster today of legislation that will remove the Human Rights Act and undermine human rights across the UK. — The UK governments attempts to introduce a Bill to remove and limit the exercise of existing human rights across the UK has been […]

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Evidence Submission: Impact of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland

16 June 2022

At the beginning of June, we submitted evidence to the follow-up inquiry on the impact of the Protocol carried out by House of Lords Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. This evidence has now been published, and you can find it on the Sub-Committee’s website. Within this submission, we raised a number of serious […]

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The Queen’s Speech and Human Rights

27 May 2022

The Queen’s Speech and Human Rights The Queen’s Speech opening a new session of Parliament was delivered on the 10 May. It presented a lengthy list of legislative proposals that the government intends to take forward in this next session of Parliament. Unfortunately, the speech contained some very unwelcome announcements from a human rights perspective. We […]

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Universal Periodic Review submission

04 April 2022

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism at the United Nations (UN) to examine each Member State’s compliance with human rights and humanitarian obligations. The United Kingdom will be reviewed under the UPR process in 2022. Civil society organisations across the UK had the opportunity to make submissions to that process up until the […]

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Join our Team

14 March 2022

  The Human Rights Consortium is currently seeking to fill two posts within its staff team. Research Officer – Maternity Cover Administrative Officer – PT Details of both of these posts and how to apply are available below. Deadline for applicants: 8th April  Research Officer ( FT Maternity Cover) £29,174 (plus 8% salary employer’s pension […]

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