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Brexit Supreme Court Decision

24 January 2017

The Human Rights Consortium, one of the applicants in the Agnew & Others legal case has today welcomed the UK Supreme Court’s decision which accepted its argument that the Government cannot trigger Article 50 without parliamentary legislation. Director of the Consortium, Kevin Hanratty said, ‘The Consortium became involved in this legal case because we are […]

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NI Brexit case goes to the Supreme Court

29 November 2016

The Human Rights Consortium, one of the applicants in a Northern Ireland based judicial review challenging the nature of the current Brexit process has welcomed the referral of devolved issues arising in the Northern Ireland case to the Supreme Court. The Consortium, a 160 plus member coalition of groups from across Northern Ireland, which has […]

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Human Rights implications of Brexit

12 October 2016

We have submitted evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights in Westminster. The Joint Committee is conducting an inquiry into the human rights implications of Brexit and issued a call for evidence. Our submission looks at some key areas which the Committee should explore in more detail: The particular importance of human rights frameworks […]

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Press Release- Brexit Legal Action about Safeguarding Rights and Peace Process

05 October 2016

The Human Rights Consortium is one of the current applicants in a Northern Ireland based Judicial Review of the Brexit process. The Consortium have outlined that the case, which is being heard in the Belfast High Court at present, is focussed on upholding existing human rights protections and the elements of the Northern Ireland peace […]

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Universal Periodic Review Shadow Report Launched

21 September 2016

The Human Rights Consortium has launched its Shadow Report in advance of the Third Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Kingdom in May 2017. The Universal Periodic Review is a mechanism of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations, where each member state is examined by other member states for […]

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2016 Rights Festival Open for Applications

16 August 2016

The 2016 Northern Ireland Human Rights Festival is now open for event proposals from interested organisations. The festival which will take place between 4th – 10th December is an annual unique collaboration by a range of civil society organisations under the common unifying theme of protecting and promoting human rights. For the past four years […]

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The EU Referendum and Human Rights

08 June 2016

Human rights issues have largely been ignored in the debates around the EU referendum. With just two weeks to go until we get to decide to stay or go, we need to focus on human rights . The core human rights instrument in the UK is the Human Rights Act. Its origins in the European […]

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The EU Referendum and Human Rights

08 June 2016

Human rights issues have largely been ignored in the debates around the EU referendum. With just two weeks to go until we get to decide to stay or go, we need to focus on human rights . The core human rights instrument in the UK is the Human Rights Act.  Its origins in the European Convention of […]

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Human Rights and the ‘Brexit’ Debate

18 May 2016

The Human Rights Consortium, in partnership with NICVA, is hosting an event to examine the missing human rights context in the EU referendum debate. Human rights have been largely ignored in the referendum debate and where rights have been mentioned, the discussion has been confused.                     […]

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