Human Rights Act

The Queen’s Speech and Human Rights

27 May 2022

The Queen’s Speech and Human Rights The Queen’s Speech opening a new session of Parliament was delivered on the 10 May. It presented a lengthy list of legislative proposals that the government intends to take forward in this next session of Parliament. Unfortunately, the speech contained some very unwelcome announcements from a human rights perspective. We […]

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Hands off our Human Rights Act

13 March 2022

The Human Rights Consortium has submitted its response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on replacing the Human Rights Act. The submission (available to download below) is heavily critical of proposals by the UK Government to scrap the Human Rights Act (HRA) and replace it with weaker standards. The Consortium outlines that the proposals would be a […]

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HRC Submission to Human Rights Act Reform – A Modern Bill of Rights Consultation

09 March 2022

The Human Rights Consortium is deeply concerned about the existence, content, and possible impact of this consultation exercise. Coming after a decade of attempts to undermine the Human Rights Act (HRA) and launched on the same day the report from the Independent Review of the Human Rights Act outlined little support for changing the HRA, […]

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Urgent call to respond to the Human Rights Act consultation – A Guide

02 March 2022

The Human Rights Consortium has developed a short guide to help civil society organisations respond to the current UK Government’s consultation on reform of the Human Rights Act. This guide is intended to provide support to our members and other civil society organisations who may wish to formulate a response to the consultation given how […]

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Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland concerned UK Government proposals to replace Human Rights Act will have a serious impact upon devolution

02 March 2022

There is significant concern across government and civil society in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, that UK Government proposals to replace the Human Rights Act will have a serious impact upon devolution, devolved law and people living in devolved parts of the UK. At a webinar this afternoon, organised by the Human Rights Consortia in […]

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Human Rights Act Reform – Implications for Northern Ireland

05 February 2022

The implications for Northern Ireland of UK government plans to reform the Human Rights Act were discussed at a recent Consortium briefing webinar.  On the 14th December 2021 the UK Government announced a public consultation on their plans to scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights. The Human Rights Act has […]

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14 December 2021

The Human Rights Consortium, a coalition of over 165 civil society organisations from across Northern Ireland has criticised news that the UK Government plans to reform the operation of the Human Rights Act. The UK Government is due to announce plans to launch a three-month consultation process with the aim of reforming the Human Rights […]

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Response to the review of the Human Rights Act

05 March 2021

The Human Rights Consortium has made a submission to the Independent Human Rights Act Review (IHRAR) set up by the UK Government. The Consortium has very serious concerns about the Government’s intention in triggering a review of the Human Rights Act. t In various approaches since 2010 the Government have been attempting to remove the Human […]

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31 March 2020

What the Coronavirus response means for human rights The world is changing before our eyes. The extent of the threat now posed by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to Governments across the world introducing extraordinary measures aimed at protecting the public from possible infection. The UK last week introduced a very unprecedented set of measures […]

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The UPR Examination of the UK – 4 May 2017

05 May 2017

On Thursday 4 May the UK had to defend its human rights record before other Member States of the UN. The UK was grilled on a diverse range of issues including plans to replace the Human Rights Act 1998, racism and hate crimes, corporal punishment and violence against women and girls. What is the UPR? […]

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