
The Queen’s Speech and Human Rights

27 May 2022

The Queen’s Speech and Human Rights The Queen’s Speech opening a new session of Parliament was delivered on the 10 May. It presented a lengthy list of legislative proposals that the government intends to take forward in this next session of Parliament. Unfortunately, the speech contained some very unwelcome announcements from a human rights perspective. We […]

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The Northern Ireland/Ireland Protocol and human rights – Human Rights Consortium Briefing

17 December 2021

The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland (referred to as ‘the Protocol’) is a Protocol (or a formal international agreement) of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union (known as the UK Withdrawal Agreement). As a legal document the Protocol recognizes the unique situation of […]

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Comparing the UK and the EU’s approaches to the NI/Ireland Protocol – HRC Briefing

18 November 2021

Nearly a year after the end of the transition period (31 December 2020), the Northern Ireland/Ireland Protocol is at the centre of continuing political instability and divisions. While the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) appear on face value to be united in their desire to overcome their ongoing disagreements regarding the Protocol, the […]

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TCA and Rights – HRC Briefing Paper

15 March 2021

After a very protracted process the EU and UK finally agreed to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on Christmas Eve 2020. The TCA document itself runs to over 1,200 pages and contains many important elements that relate to the future UK approach to human rights. To distil some of these elements the Consortium has […]

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Brexit teething problems or cause to invoke article 16?

18 February 2021

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK clearly helped to avoid the chaos anticipated by a No Deal Brexit that would have created extensive trade barriers and tariffs between the two trading zones. But as the agreement was reached so close to the end of the transition period, there are also […]

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Northern Ireland: Civil society groups brief Biden Transition Team on Brexit threat to human rights and equality

19 November 2020

Briefing note for the Biden-Harris Transition Team: Brexit and the protection of the Good Friday Agreement, human rights and equality laws in Northern Ireland Representatives of civic society groups from across the island of Ireland welcome the President-elect’s continued support for the Good Friday Agreement, most recently reaffirmed in his congratulatory calls with An Taoiseach […]

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Civil Society – IMB jeopardises Agreement

21 September 2020

CIVIL SOCIETY GROUPS WARN UK GOVERNMENT NOT TO THREATEN GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT THROUGH INTERNAL MARKET BILL Representatives from a wide range of civil society groups met with officials from the UK Government on Friday (18th September) and registered our strong protest at the terms of the Internal Market Bill which directly breaches  the Ireland/Northern Ireland […]

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Under the Radar

19 August 2020

UNDER THE RADAR: Key concerns with recent UK Govt Brexit consultations With the end of the Transition Period fast-approaching (31 December 2020) the UK government in recent weeks has moved to advance a number of important public consultations on Brexit related issues that it clearly wishes to see resolved before the end of the transition period. […]

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COVID CONVERSATIONS – The Right to Childcare

06 July 2020

6 August 2020, 10am First in a series of webinars examining human rights issues that have been brought into sharp focus by the COVID-19 pandemic. About this Event Around 350,000 workers in Northern Ireland have dependent children. Of these, around 70% have ‘intensive childcare requirements’.* The Executive has indicated that childcare is a critical priority […]

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Brexit, Devolution & Civil Society Conference Report

13 November 2019

In May of this year the Consortium hosted a major conference in Belfast in collaboration with colleagues from the Wales Civil Society Forum on Brexit and the Civil Society Brexit Project in Scotland. The Brexit and Devolution conference brought NGO colleagues, academics and politicians together from across the UK and the Republic of Ireland to […]

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